The Concept of Good Administration: from the Council of Europe’s soft law to the Ukrainian Administrative Law
Oksana Radyszewska
Kijowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Tarasa Szewczenki
The purpose of this article is to analyze the content and features of the concept of good administration and its impact on the modern administrative law of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the concept of good administration is part of a broader concept of good governance, which the substantive and procedural principles determine the foundations of the activities of national public administration in most European countries (Member States of Council of Europe). It is noted that the Council of Europe's soft law provisions, in particular, Recommendation CM / Rec (2007) 7 on good administration from 2007, through the European Court of Human Rights' interpretation of the Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms from 1950, have a direct impact on the judicial practices of domestic administrative courts, based on European standards of administrative procedure. It is concluded that the application of the provisions of the law of the Council of Europe by ECtHR and the national court of cassation is a factor that causes the vertical Europeanization of the administrative law of Ukraine.
Europeanization of administrative law, principles, good administration, soft law, administrative procedure, human rightsReferences
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Kijowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Tarasa Szewczenki