The Admissibility of the Self-Petition for Personal Incapability

Adrianna Szczechowicz

University of Warmia and Mazury


In both doctrine and jurisprudence, the dispute raises the issue of the possibility of requesting incapacitation by the person concerned. The aforementioned limitation of the postulatory capacity of the person concerned is under the literal wording of the provision of Art. 545 § 1 of the Civil Procedure Code, but raises serious doubts under constitutional law. The analysis requires the question of whether the provisions regulating the legitimacy to apply incapacitation (Article 545 of the Code of Civil Procedure) and determining the circle of persons who by law are participants in the proceedings for incapacitation (Article 546 of the Code of Civil Procedure) can indirectly derive the right to apply own incapacitation. In the doctrine and jurisprudence, the primacy of language interpretation is aptly emphasized over other types of interpretation, i.e. systemic and teleological. At the same time, it is rightly accepted that in exceptional situations the literal meaning of the provision may be departed from. This may occur when the linguistic interpretation is clearly in contradiction with the content of other norms, leads to absurd social or economic consequences, grossly unfair decisions or is in obvious contradiction with generally accepted moral norms. Undoubtedly, the trial situation of disabled people should be seen through the prism of human dignity. Given the above, to resolve the issue of the possibility of submitting an application for incapacitation by the person to whom this application relates, one should refer not only to the interpretation of the law but also to axiological and functional arguments. It should also be borne in mind that international law emphasizes the implementation of regulations that would extend the protection of the rights and freedoms of the mentally ill, handicapped or addicted in all spheres of life, including facilitating access to court


civil proceedings, a disabled person, rights to file a petition, mental illness

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Cited by

Szczechowicz, A. (2020). The Admissibility of the Self-Petition for Personal Incapability. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (48).

Adrianna Szczechowicz 
University of Warmia and Mazury