Costs settlement regarding a curator of the estate in the administrative proceedings

Robert Talaga

Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Poznaniu


The curator of the estate retains the right to remuneration for all actions taken by him as part of his function. They also include procedural actions taken before an administrative court. However, the administrative court cannot pay for that. The mechanism for settling such costs confers such an obligation only to the court of inheritance, which must additionally specify the person obliged to pay the fees due on guardianship. In exceptional cases, the entity obliged to cover the costs of guardianship may be the State of Treasury. The purpose of the article is to determine the structure of granting of the appropriate receivables to the curator of the estate in connection with its functioning before an administrative court, as well as the technical conditions for their transfer to the person acting as the curator of the estate. The decision of the court of inheritance applies differently to entities appearing in the present case. In this regard, it is possible to consider situations in which there are different legal relationships between both the court of inheritance and the curator of the estate and entities obliged to pay remuneration and reimbursement of costs incurred and different between last two entities. It does not exclude the situation in which one should consider the possibility of temporary coverage of such receivables by the State and subsequent reclaim by the court of inheritance under the arrangements made within the applicable law. The issued decision can be the subject of a complaint. Such final decision regarding the awarded remuneration and reimbursement of costs incurred by the probation officer may also be changed. It requires certain statutory conditions to be completed (which is not easy) and, as a consequence, requires taking into account in the final financial settlement.


civil proceedings, proceedings before administrative courts, the right to remuneration, rules for awarding remuneration, administrative courts, common courts

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Cited by

Talaga, R. (2020). Costs settlement regarding a curator of the estate in the administrative proceedings. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (48).

Robert Talaga 
Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Poznaniu