Ritual kiss of a betrothed couple as the promise of the future marriage (C. Th. 3.5.6 = C. 5.3.16 - a. 335)

Jacek Wiewiorowski

Uniwersytet Gdański


The author analyzes the constitution of Constantine the Great from 335, addressed to the first vicar of Spain: Tiberianus. It is known from Theodosian Code from 438 (C. Th. 3.5.6), supplemented by Interpretatio ad C. Th. 3.5.6 (both repeated by Breviary of Alaric from 506), and Justinian Code from 534 (C. 5.3.16). The act provided for the inheritance of property given by the husband-to-be to his betrothed. If they exchanged the kiss (interveniens osculum), half of the gifts was to fall to the betrothed remaining alive while the rest to any inheritors of the deceased. If osculum had not taken place, the entirety of the gift was to be returned to the giver or his inheritors. In turn, if the fiancée had given anything to her husband-to-be (which, as the preserved text underlines, was a rare occurrence), and any of the future spouses died before the nuptials, the entirety was to be returned to the fiancée, and in the event of her death, to her inheritors, regardless of whether osculum had taken place. The author discusses shortly the historical and sociological context of the enactment. The analysis exploits also the standpoints of Jacobus Gothofredus (1587-1652), the author of the only commentary of Codex Theodosianus and Christian Ulrich Grupen (1692-1767), whose work recapitulated the opinions of the early modern jurisprudence on C. Th. 3.5.6 = C. 5.3.16. The text takes advantage of evolutionary psychology and anthropology concerning the functions and universality of kissing in a romantic relationship either. In conclusion, the author deduces that the betrothal kiss in C. Th. 3.5.6 = C. 5.3.16 acquired juridical effect as the promise of future marriage.


Constantine the Great; constitutio principis: C. Th. 3.5.6 = Breviarium Alaricianum 3.5.5 = C. 5.3.16; Interpretatio ad C. Th. 3.5.6; osculum; Evolutionary Psychology; Anthropology

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Cited by

Wiewiorowski, J. (2020). Ritual kiss of a betrothed couple as the promise of the future marriage (C. Th. 3.5.6 = C. 5.3.16 - a. 335). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (48). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.5531

Jacek Wiewiorowski 
Uniwersytet Gdański