Gloss on the judgment of the Administrative Court in Szczecin of June 14, 2018, no II SA/Sz 462/18
The subject matter of the present gloss is the judgment of the Administrative Court in Szczecin from June 14th 2018 II SA / Sz 462/18. The analysed judgment is a part of a series of issues regarding the relationships between the freedom of conscience and religion along with the work for military service. The author analyzes the verdict referring to the members of the religious association of Jehovah's Witnesses in Poland, who constantly refuse to perform tasks for military entities due to the existing conflict of conscience. It is supported by the Jehovah's Witnesses' opinion that the obligations to which they are intended are associated with widely comprehended military objectives, which causes their objection. The author fully approves the assessed judgment, appreciating the professionalism of the Provincial Administrative Court in Szczecin.
freedom of conscience and religion, military service, Jehovah's WitnessesReferences
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