The draft regarding the amendments to the Law on the liability of collective entities for the actions prohibited under the framework decision of the Council of Europe 2002/475/JHA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (Official Journal L 164, as amended)
Marta Werbel-Cieślak
UWM w OlsztynieAbstract
The subject and purpose of these considerations are to indicate and discuss the regulations related to the proposed amendment to the Act on the liability of collective entities for prohibited acts under penalty. The aforementioned substantive-legal issues (in terms of shaping the premises for liability of collective entities) correlate with procedural issues related to changes in legal
regulations in the above-mentioned scope. The study formulates de lege ferenda postulates, especially concerning the acceleration of proceedings conducted
under the said Act. Moreover, threats in the sphere of criminal law and economics that may arise after the proposed changes enter into force have been indicated.
criminal law, penal fiscal law, criminal proceedings, collective entities liabilityReferences
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UWM w Olsztynie