Recent Amendments to Legislation on Issuing Decisions on Environmental Conditions for Implementation of a Project
The paper attempts to justify the purposefulness and usefulness of the changes in the procedure for issuing decisions on environmental conditions for implementation of a project introduced by the Act of 19 July 2019 on amending the Act on providing information on the environment and environmental protection, public participation in the environmental protection and environment impact assessments and certain other acts. The amendment covers all investments categorised as projects that always can have a significant impact on environment or as projects that could potentially have a significant impact on environment. The introduced arrangements concern: abandonment of the decision on the lack of the necessity to conduct environmental impact assessment in case of projects that could potentially have a significant impact on environment; the extension of the validity period of an environmental decision; the delivery of decisions through public announcement in cases where a number of the parties exceeds 10; new criteria for determining the status of the parties to the proceedings, in particular the distance of 100 meters from the investment area; the limitation of the number of annexes the investors are supposed to attach to their applications for the issuance of a decision. The analysis of the discussed amendments revealed that they may have a positive effect on the improvement and acceleration of the issuance of environmental decisions.
environmental decision, environmental impact assessment, party to the proceedingsReferences
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