The register of court experts


The article aims to analyze the content and assess the shape - currently functioning - of a register of court experts. It answers the question whether its present form is justified and fully objective. However, the main problem pervading the text is an attempt to determine: whether the Register of court experts performs its role, or if it requires modification, and if so deep? In order to provide full and reliable answer to the questions posed, I analyzed 45 registers of court experts kept by the Presidents of District Courts. This procedure allowed for constructive conclusions, as well as for the formulation of de lege ferenda postulates. I pointed out absurdities, shortcomings and unauthorized entry in the registers of people who have never made any opinion, and have been on them for many years, or present specialties that are in no way useful in court proceedings.


biegły sądowy, rejestr biegłych, prezes sądu okręgowego, swobodna ocena

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Cited by

Jagiełło, D. (2020). The register of court experts. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (49).

Dariusz Jagiełło