Offense blocking an emergency telephone number

Radosław Krajewski

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence and statutory signs of an offense by blocking a telephone emergency number, as well as referring to the penalties for them. It was introduced to the Code of Offenses in 2017, and it happened at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Poland. So far, it has not been extensively analyzed by representatives of the science of criminal law in separate studies devoted to it, and therefore this study may benefit from the privilege of innovation using what was previously written about this offense. Criminal liability for them is to contribute to reducing the number of cases of fraud in this respect, which has been and is quite a lot, both by preventing them and by prosecuting them for such behavior. This offense is universal, intentional and punishable by detention, restriction of liberty or a fine. It is also possible to make a decision in connection with his committing. It is a pity that he was not dedicated to a separate editorial unit of the Code of offenses, somehow combining them with a false alarm offense. Prohibition of such behavior under the threat of criminal penalties should be assessed positively, with some doubts about the statutory features of this offense, including blocking itself, which should not be equated with blocking the emergency number. A longer time perspective is needed to assess its real role in reducing the scale of such abuse, but it is certainly needed in the system of offenses as offenses.


criminal liability, criminal act, misuse of the emergency number

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Cited by

Krajewski, R. (2020). Offense blocking an emergency telephone number. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (49).

Radosław Krajewski 
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy