Approving gloss to the decision of the Supreme Court’s of 27 March 2014 (I KZP 2/14)

Wioletta Dudziec-Rzeszowska

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


The gloss to the decision of the Supreme Court from 27th March 2014 issued in the case of reference number I KZP 2/14, presents an attitude autonomizing the liability of the Article 245 of the Penal Code from arousing a victim a justified fear that the threat will be achieved. The gloss is approving. The author also comes to the conclusion that arousing the victim's justified fear is not an element of the threat in the form to which  the Article 115 paragraph 12 of the Penal Code refers but only the effect causing its chargeability under Article 190 paragraph 1 of the Penal Code.


justified fear of achieving the threat, unlawful threat, subject of protection, formal crime, specific intent.

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Cited by

Dudziec-Rzeszowska, W. (2020). Approving gloss to the decision of the Supreme Court’s of 27 March 2014 (I KZP 2/14). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (49).

Wioletta Dudziec-Rzeszowska 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu