The isolation and the rights and obligations of convicted convicts serving a prison sentence in closed type penitentiaries referred to in art. 90 of the Executive Penal Code


The execution of a prison sentence is related to the isolation of convicts in correctional facilities. The conditions in the closed type facility were determined so that the rights of convicts were limited mainly due to the need to maintain order and internal order. Therefore, such convicts were only allowed to stay in open residential cells, to be employed outside the facility, to enjoy cultural and sporting activities and learning to use their own underwear, footwear and clothing, as well as visits (under strict conditions). On the other hand, convicts from this type of facilities were obliged to lift restrictions on moving around the premises of the facility and undergo control activities during visits and conversations, as well as to censor correspondence.


the imprisonment, the closed prison, the rights and obligations of convicts

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Cited by

Goclon, J. (2020). The isolation and the rights and obligations of convicted convicts serving a prison sentence in closed type penitentiaries referred to in art. 90 of the Executive Penal Code. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (49).