International cooperation of Ukraine on ensuring military law and order: legal bases

Vladyslav Kolomiyets

West Ukrainian National University


The definition of international legal military cooperation of Ukraine is analyzed and own definition of the term "legal basis of international cooperation of Ukraine to ensure law and order in the military sphere" is proposed. The author described the legal basis for the organization of cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the relevant authorities of other states. The role of departmental legal regulation in the organization of international military cooperation is determined. Particular attention is paid to the review of international organizations - another category of entities with which Ukraine’s military cooperation is carried out. The author stated that the established goals and formats of cooperation of Ukraine with other states and international organizations have an effective applied character. It is proved that the legislative and contractual regulation of military cooperation of Ukraine with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union is the basis for reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Euro-Atlantic and European military standards.


international cooperation, military law and order, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, legal regulation, international organizations

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Cited by

Kolomiyets, V. (2020). International cooperation of Ukraine on ensuring military law and order: legal bases. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (49).

Vladyslav Kolomiyets 
West Ukrainian National University