Access to public information in the practice of organizational units of the Prosecutor's Office in the light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts

Marcin Adamczyk

UWM w Olsztynie


Access to public information, despite being in practice for many years, still raises a lot of emotions and controversy, as well as practical problems related to examining of submitted applications. The analysis of citizens' activity in the area of questions submitted to particular units of the Prosecutor's Office allows dividing these questions into three basic groups. The first group consists of questions aiming at obtaining the information contained in files of criminal cases. The second group aims at obtaining information on final decisions in criminal proceedings. The third, very large group of questions, concerns information related to the activities of the Prosecutor's Office as a particular unit and the activities of individual prosecutors. The purpose of the article is to present the latest jurisprudence of administrative courts regarding the provision of public information by the Prosecutor's Office divided into three thematic areas of citizens' activity indicated above while indicating the good and bad practices of prosecutor's offices. An analysis of the case-law regarding the access to public information shows that this is still a significant problem in practice, despite the well-established line of case-law of administrative courts. The study should contribute to achieving a more efficient and consistent practice in dealing with such cases.


public information, access to public information, Prosecution, access to the criminal file

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Cited by

Adamczyk, M. (2020). Access to public information in the practice of organizational units of the Prosecutor’s Office in the light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50).

Marcin Adamczyk 
UWM w Olsztynie