Legal and administrative issues in the protection of monuments based on the found "treasury of the von Finckenstein family"


The article refers to the case of "treasury of the von Finckenstein family", an influential family in Prussia before 1945. The treasure was found in May 2018 by a young inhabitant of Ilawa (Deutsche Eylau). The authors analyze the legal administrative procedure in the field of registration of the found monument and jurisdiction, including the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal and the famous case of Potomski and Potomska v. Poland from 2014. The authors also conduct a doctrinal analysis of the concept of ownership and ownership of a monument, collate these concepts with the interest of the state and constitutional values regarding the protection of monuments and property rights.


Monuments protection, monuments care, movable monuments, constitutional monument protection system, Act on the protection of monuments and protection over monuments,

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Cited by

Błażejczyk, P. (2020). Legal and administrative issues in the protection of monuments based on the found "treasury of the von Finckenstein family". Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50).

Paweł Błażejczyk