Arranging a gamble game which is not subject to state regulation – social and legal aspects


The article deals with the issue of arranging a gamble game which is not subject to state regulation. In Poland, the gambling business is subject to restrictions. All kinds of deviations from this should be evaluated negatively and even sanctioned. Such a phenomenon poses a threat both to the state and also to society. The range of rationed gambling is determined by the definitions of “gambling games”, contained in the Gambling Games Act of 19 Nov. 2009. In the area of uncontrolled gambling, there is a sanctioning norm contained in Article 128 of the Code of Offences of May 20, 1971, providing for a penalty for organizing gambling to achieve benefits property, but it is currently not linked to any sanctioned norm outside the Code of Offences, which would result in a business ban gambling to the extent not subject to restrictions arising from the Act about gambling games. The first part of the article deals with some social aspects of gambling. Next, an attempt was made to present selected legal aspects of the offence under art. 128 of the Code of Offences and to propose changes in this respect.


gambling, illegal gambling, gamble game, to organize gambling games, gambling addiction, Code of Offences, Treasury Penal Code

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Cited by

Chodorowska, A. (2020). Arranging a gamble game which is not subject to state regulation – social and legal aspects. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50).