Child Assets Management –practical considerations concerning article 101 of the Family and Guardianship Code
The publication analyses the custody of the minor child's property, including the management of the property. The legislator has formulated several principles on this issue, failure to comply with which results in specific legal consequences. Parents' actions in the matter of asset management should be characterised by due diligence and take into account the best interests of the child. However, the Management Board shall not cover the minor's earnings and the items placed at his or her disposal.This publication aims to present the functioning doctrine and the line of jurisprudence on the issue of custody over the minor's assets, indicating at the same time the practical problems arising during the assessment, which activities may constitute activities beyond the scope of ordinary management and consequently require the permission of the guardianship court.The analysis of the subject matter undertaken allows the conclusion to be drawn that any action taken concerning the management of the minor's assets should be individualised so that all the circumstances of the case should be considered. This is confirmed by the rich jurisprudence in terms of recognition which activities exceed the scope of the ordinary administration of the child's property, and which do not yet violate this limit
minors, custody of property, due diligence, activity beyond the scope of ordinary management, child welfare, parental authorityReferences
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