Sharing medical records in the aspect of the healthcare provider duties


Among the catalogue of patient rights, the right to medical records occupies an important place. At the same time, in recent years it is the right which is most often violated.  As a rule with all patient rights, also the right to medical records corresponds to the healthcare provider duties. Large entities usually develop internal procedures for sharing medical records and appropriate forms to improve the sharing process. Unfortunately, it is not possible to foresee all the situations that are encountered in practice, which results in many problems at the stage of sharing medical records, which next causes that the patient's right to medical records is often violated. Provisions regarding this issue are regularly amended. Besides, the changes were also introduced by the GDPR, due to which the amendment to the applicable provisions regarding the free first copy of medical documentation entered into force. Unfortunately, despite the changes introduced, the topic requires in-depth analysis. The study aims to show the problems faced by medical entities in connection with the implementation of the patient's right to medical records


patient, medical entity, medical record, copy, original

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Cited by

Kowalska, A. (2020). Sharing medical records in the aspect of the healthcare provider duties. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50).