The search for missing persons in the Republic of Belarus: theoretical, legal and methodical aspects

Vitali Kirvel

Akademia MSW Białorusi


In the article, legal and organizational aspects of the search for missing persons are discussed. The author also addresses the issue of criminal disappearances focusing on the methodological aspects of criminal investigations.The study aims are to understand the patterns that are the basis of theory and practice, identified in the course of the activities of the criminal prosecution authorities to search for missing persons and the investigation of cases of unknown disappearances of persons in the Republic of Belarus and to form on their basis a unified set of knowledge adequate to the modern development of institutions tracing missing persons and investigating cases of unknown disappearances at the national and international level, as a holistic direction in forensic science and law enforcement.

The legal basis for the activities of criminal prosecution bodies to search for disappeared persons and investigate cases of unknown missing persons are presented in the following normative legal acts: the Constitution and the Concept of National Security of the Republic of Belarus; the Criminal Procedure and Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus; the Laws of the Republic of Belarus: Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, On operational-search activity, On the status of military personnel, On state fingerprint registration, and burial and funeral business.The organizational foundations of the activities of the criminal prosecution bodies to search for missing persons and investigate cases of disappearances are presented in interstate normative legal acts and Resolutions and Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee and the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus.The methodological foundations of the activities of the criminal prosecution authorities to search for missing persons and to investigate cases of disappearances are presented in the methodological recommendations of the Investigative Committee and the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus.The mentioned theoretical, legal, organizational, and methodological aspects are the basis for criminal prosecution bodies to search for missing persons and investigate cases of unknown disappearances in the Republic of Belarus.


the search for missing persons, the investigation of criminal disappearances

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Cited by

Kirvel, V. (2020). The search for missing persons in the Republic of Belarus: theoretical, legal and methodical aspects. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50).

Vitali Kirvel 
Akademia MSW Białorusi