„Other similarly dangerous object” as an instrumenta sceleris in the provisions of the Penal Code

Arkadiusz Paweł Szajna

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach


 This publication aims to determine what type of  instrumenta sceleris under art. 159, 223 § 1, 280 § 2, 345 § 3 of the Penal Code should be included in the category of „other similarly dangerous objects”. Three concepts concerning the method of assessing the danger of a given object were presented, with the indication – according to the author – of the most appropriate, stating that in
the process of determining whether a given instrumenta sceleris under art. 159, 223 § 1, 280 § 2, 345 § 3 of the Penal Code can be classified into the group of „other similarly dangerous objects”, it should be verified that they have objective properties, indicating that the use of them create an equivalent threat to human life or health resulting from the use of a knife or a firearm. At the end of the publication, judgments were presented in which the object was considered (or not) as „other similarly dangerous”.


assault, fight, battery, robbery, other similarly dangerous object.

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Cited by

Szajna, A. P. (2021). „Other similarly dangerous object” as an instrumenta sceleris in the provisions of the Penal Code. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (52). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.6316

Arkadiusz Paweł Szajna 
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach