Critical Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 17 August 2017, ref. II GSK 1041/17
Przemysław Kuczkowski
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w BydgoszczyPiotr Pawłowski
Kancelaria adwokacka Piotr PawłowskiAbstract
The subject of the commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 17 August 2017, ref. II GSK 1041/17 is the issue of establishing acts of local law concerning sports scholarships established and financed by a local government unit. The Supreme Administrative Court stated in the commented judgment, that it is permissible to pass a resolution of the voivodeship assembly, which would provide for the possibility of suspending the sports scholarship. Local legal acts are issued based on statutory authorization, which cannot be exceeded. The legislator did not grant the voivodeship assembly the power to
regulate the suspension of the payment of sports scholarships. Therefore the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court should be assessed critically.
local law, sports scholarships,, suspension of the sports scholarship, local government, local government unit, enacting acts of local lawReferences
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Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
Kancelaria adwokacka Piotr Pawłowski