Criminological and economic aspects of homelessness on the example of Białystok
Emilia Magdalena Truskolaska
Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuTadeusz Truskolaski
The article aims to examine the phenomenon of homelessness, legal aspects of its functioning and economic effects borne by the City of Bialystok. The
authors have undertaken the following topic as it is a current topic and requires ongoing analysis.After the political change that took place in Poland in 1989,
many social problems came to light again. The phenomenon of homelessness is one of those that escalated and led to the search for new tools for its preven tion and resolution. To this day, it raises many doubts among researchers because the scale and dynamics of the problem are constantly changing. Homelessness is a manifestation of social exclusion from the most important
areas of life. The following study presents the legal and financial aspects of homelessness on the example of the city of Białystok. Multi-faceted diagnosis is the basis for effective prevention of homelessness and precise diagnosis of the problem.
homelessness, legal regulations, costs of homelessness, city, NGOsReferences
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