Criminalization of the personal data breach

Maciej Nawacki

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Wydział Prawa i Administracji


The problem of the scope of criminalization under Art. 107 Act on Personal Data Protection is important when processing personal data or sets of personal data is common. It is not clear to what extent the provision of Art. 107 Act on PDP includes the criminalization of violation of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. Moreover, the imposition of criminal sanctions for infringement of national data protection law and administrative sanctions should not lead to a breach of the principle of ne bis in idem. Undoubtedly, the more careful editing of Art. 107 Act on PDP would avoid many doubts about the interpretation of this provision. The article is concerned with the analysis of the personal data breach. The purpose of this study is to interpret the features of “non-permissible” and “unauthorized processing personal data”. The key is to determine the meaning and mutual relationship between these terms and the personal data breach. The skilful use of interpretation rules that is
known in criminal law and administrative law allows criminals to be held responsible for the most serious violations of the rules of personal data processing. The author draws attention to the relationship between general conditions for the corrective powers, imposing  administrative fines and the personal data breach. The legal analysis indicates that the term of personal data breach determines the scope of criminalization of the crime of illegal processing of personal data.


personal data, personal data breach, criminal law, administrative penalties, the offense of illegal processing of personal data, criminalization

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Cited by

Nawacki, M. (2021). Criminalization of the personal data breach. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (52).

Maciej Nawacki 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Wydział Prawa i Administracji