Job requirements for a qualified physical security guard. Part 1: Comparison of the professions of a uniformed police officer and a qualified physical security guard

Piotr Dariusz Bogdalski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The subject of the first part of the article concerns the professions of a qualified physical security guard and a uniformed police officer. At the same time the aim of the study was to determine the similarities between the professions in terms of the status and the tasks of the institutions for which they are carried out, the scope of professional tasks characteristic for the professions and the specific means of implementing the tasks, as well as the similarity of basic professional threats. The arguments presented in this paper lead to the conclusion that the profession of a qualified physical security guard is closely related to the profession of a uniformed police officer. These professions are both performed in internal state security and public order, have similar professional tasks and means of carrying them out, which include the possibility to use coercive measures and firearms. They are also associated with corresponding occupational hazards. The basic differences between them include the place of performing security activities, the source of financing and the mission of entities employing persons who perform them. The above findings will be the basis for further considerations in the second part of the article. Its aim will be to determine the differences between the job requirements of both professions and the assessment of their legitimacy.



Part 1: Part 2: private security services, job requirements for a qualified physical security guard, police recruitment criteria

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Cited by

Bogdalski, P. D. (2021). Job requirements for a qualified physical security guard. Part 1: Comparison of the professions of a uniformed police officer and a qualified physical security guard. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (52).

Piotr Dariusz Bogdalski 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie