Selected categories of crimes committed in EU member states – in the light of the Eurostat database

Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz

Wydział Prawa, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


 Criminality is a social phenomenon that influences many other aspects connected e.g. with functioning of the state, citizens’ sense of security. Therefore, information on the scale of this phenomenon and its causes is extremely
valuable to take action to reduce and deter crime and criminals. The member states of EU collect information on crime at the national level and then transmit it to Eurostat. However, collecting and compiling data from different legal
systems, from countries where information on crime is recorded differently, is a difficult task. Nevertheless, researchers take the effort to analyze these data. They are pointing out that many types of crime are characterized by a downward trend (this is also evident for crimes against life and health and property, discussed in the text). Among the various factors that influence the different crime rates in EU, those related to the legal culture, the development of society and the economy, the number of police officers per 100,000 inhabitants or the unemployment rate are often pointed out. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze selected categories of crimes (crimes against life and health and property) in the European Union member states based on Eurostat database.


crime, criminality in the European Union, Eurostat, European Statistical Office

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Cited by

Jurgielewicz-Delegacz, E. (2021). Selected categories of crimes committed in EU member states – in the light of the Eurostat database. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (52).

Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz 
Wydział Prawa, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku