“Church identity” as a criterion for considering a case as an “internal” matter of churches and religious associations in the judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Some remarks on interpretation

Paweł Polaczuk


 The author analyzes the reasoning of the German Federal Constitutional
Court regarding the interpretation of the phrase “its own affairs” (own affairs)
of Article 137 (3) of the Weimar Constitution in conjunction with Article 140
of the Basic Law. In its judgments of 16 October 1968 (BVerGE 24,236) of
21 September 1976 (BVerfGE 42, 312) the Court refers to the extra-constitutional concept of church identity as a criterion for considering a particular
matter as belonging to the internal affairs of the church by “nature of things”.
Disputes concerning these matters are excluded from the state’s jurisdictional
authority in the public law of the Federal Republic of Germany. However, an
analysis of the Court’s reasoning reveals numerous shortcomings. According to the author, the concept of church identity does not make the formula of the
nature of things adequate to the post-war political conditions. However much
the Court examines the impacts of church activity in the “external” sphere, it
does so based on biased historical sources and administrative agreements.
The interpretation of the concept of “one’s own affairs” is also burdened by the
abandonment of the reference to the scope of Article 4 of the German Constitution and Article 137 paragraph 3 of the Weimar Constitution incorporated
into this normative act.


freedom of religion, conscience and worldview, church, religious association, constitution, church identity, public law dispute, interpretation

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Cited by

Polaczuk, P. (2022). “Church identity” as a criterion for considering a case as an “internal” matter of churches and religious associations in the judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Some remarks on interpretation. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.6640

Paweł Polaczuk