Normative concept of public procurement conditions

Ewaryst Kowalczyk

a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:26:"Uniwersytet Zielonogórski";}


The Public Procurement Law Act introduced in 2021 the definitions of
“public procurement conditions” to the Polish legal language. The article aims
to analyze the normative approach to this concept, as well as the meaning and
functions of public procurement conditions in the procurement process. It was
found that there is a relatively consistent normative concept of public procurement conditions in Polish law. According to this concept, public procurement
conditions are a generic concept covering requirements of various nature but
are closely interdependent. The public procurement conditions also have
a common function of qualifying the participants of the procedure to select
the contractor of the public procurement. The function of contract conditions
also determines their key importance in public procurement, which consists
in shaping the access of contractors to the public procurement market. As
a result, it was found that the directional obligations resulting from the principles of public procurement concern lawmaking and compliance with the law
relating mainly to public procurement conditions.

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2021-09-29 — Updated on 2021-09-30

Cited by

Kowalczyk, E. (2021). Normative concept of public procurement conditions. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (53). (Original work published September 29, 2021)

Ewaryst Kowalczyk 
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