Criminological and criminalistic characteristics of organized crime in sport

Kryminologiczna i kryminalistyczna charakterystyka przestępczości zorganizowanej w sporcie

Stanislav Alimovich Ialyshev

a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:55:"Russian State University of Justice in Saint-Petersburg";}

Elena Valentinovna Topilskaya


Such notorious social phenomena as organized criminal groups, which are
often associated in social consciousness with the terms of “gangsters”, “mafia”,
etc., now are considered as one of the most dangerous for all mankind. At the
same time, it is necessary to notice that there are some forms of organized
criminal activity that are more hidden, completely inconspicuous on the face
of it, so one of them is organized crime in sports. Sport now involves a huge
number of people – athletes, coaches, fans all over the world. Enormous monetary
and other material resources rotate in the field of sports. The prestige of the
state, and indeed of individual groups of people or athletes, is now often
determined by success in sports, achievements in individual competitions (that
is proved recently by the final of Euro-2020). But this result can be achieved
in other, dishonest ways. The authors tried to consider and systematize the
illegal activities of organized crime in the sports and near-sports sphere, drawing
the attention of society and law enforcement to this problem, to develop more
effective means of combating organized crime.


organized crime, sports, criminological characteristics, forensic characteristics



Cited by

Ialyshev, S. A., & Topilskaya , E. V. (2021). Criminological and criminalistic characteristics of organized crime in sport: Kryminologiczna i kryminalistyczna charakterystyka przestępczości zorganizowanej w sporcie. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (53).

Stanislav Alimovich Ialyshev 
a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:55:"Russian State University of Justice in Saint-Petersburg";}
Elena Valentinovna Topilskaya