Legal basis for school teaching religion during the formation of the IInd Polish Republic

Mieczysław Tadeusz Różański

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


After the issue of the act of November 5th, 1916, which announced the creation of the Polish state by the German and Austro-Hungarian emperors, the new administration began to be established (in agreement with the occupation authorities) in the areas of the former Russian partition. Creation of legal acts which were to become the basis for the future independent state began. The Polish authorities took over, i.a. school management. The article aims
to reveal, based on normative acts, what the legal basis for teaching religion in primary and secondary schools was. First, the orders of the occupying military authorities were presented. Then, the normative acts issued by the Polish
administration were analyzed (temporary regulations concerning elementary schools). The issues of administrative management of education were regulated, which was taken from the Galician model and consisted of the District School Council and school supervision, with the clergy as members of all these organs. Supervision of Jewish religious education and principles of financing
Jewish religious schools was also determined. Teaching religion was one of the subjects taken orally at the 4th and 6th-grade exams, the secondary school-leaving exams and the final exams of the teachers’ seminar. These regulations
were accepted after Poland regained independence and became the basis for further regulations in the independent state.


education law, World War I, schooling,, religious education

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Cited by

Różański, M. T. (2021). Legal basis for school teaching religion during the formation of the IInd Polish Republic. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (54).

Mieczysław Tadeusz Różański 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie