Road safety in the member states of the European Union

Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The number of road accidents in the European Union has shown a downward trend for many years, as has the number of fatalities. The total number  of road fatalities in 2010 in EU member states was 29 611, but in 2019 it was
nearly 7000 lower, so there was a decrease of 23%. 44.2% of persons killed were passenger car occupants, while 20.2% were pedestrians in 2019. Despite the difficulties associated with collecting data on road incidents in EU member
states and then analyzing them, these data allow the relevant institutions to determine the directions of policy for improving road safety. The EU in this area has for many years been developing programs, which include the so-called vision zero – that is, zero fatalities as a result of road accidents. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze statistics on road safety and actions taken to improve it.


European Union law, road safety, road accidents, fatalities.

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Cited by

Jurgielewicz-Delegacz, E. (2021). Road safety in the member states of the European Union. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (54).

Emilia Jurgielewicz-Delegacz 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku