On the place and role of theoretical legal (general legal) discipline in the system of higher legal education

Murman Gorgoshadze

Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi

Omar Phartenadze

Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi

Levan Djakeli

Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi


The discussion in the article is about the teaching issues at the faculties
of law concerning theoretical-judicial (general-judicial) disciplines (encyclopedia
of law, law philosophy, theory of law, methods of law, introduction to law studies,
basics of law). According to the authors, the preliminary course for the student
studying the sphere of law should be the “introduction to law studies” as it
gives a more general understanding of law sciences than other general-judicial
disciplines and the possibility of its thorough cognition with its conceptual
worldview, cognitive and methodological functions.
The impact of various legal disciplines on the teaching of law is discussed.
After much reasoning, we can conclude that the development of practical skills
depends not only on the teaching of practical subjects but also on the development
of a general worldview in the field, which is mainly influenced by the existence
and development of the above-mentioned teaching discipline.


law philosophy, law encyclopedia, theory of law,, methods of law, basics of law, introduction to law studies

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Cited by

Gorgoshadze, M., Phartenadze, O. ., & Djakeli, L. (2021). On the place and role of theoretical legal (general legal) discipline in the system of higher legal education. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (54). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.7154

Murman Gorgoshadze 
Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi
Omar Phartenadze 
Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi
Levan Djakeli 
Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Szoty Rustaweli w Batumi