Conclusion of business contracts in the field of electronic commerce

Artur Pohorilenko

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The epidemic COVID-19 has necessitated the search for new formats of doing business. Companies that have taken the initiative and taken advantage of e-commerce have been able to achieve significant success. This article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the legislation of Ukraine on the subject of legal regulation of requirements for the form, content and procedure for concluding a business agreement in the relevant field. The main requirements related to the specifics of the implementation of contractual relations in this area are primarily related to the circulation of electronic documents, as well as the need to certify the integrity of the data transmitted by them. As a result of the study, it was found
that the basic requirements for concluding a business contract in the traditional form remain relevant in the field of e-commerce. At the same time, the legislation
over-regulates some aspects of the contractual relationship, leaving the parties little freedom to choose modern means of communication.


business contracts, e-commerce, document management, legislation

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Cited by

Pohorilenko, A. (2021). Conclusion of business contracts in the field of electronic commerce. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (54).

Artur Pohorilenko 
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv