Concept of plants’ dignity in environmental protection and ecological safety
Samanta Kowalska
Akademia Kaliska im. Prezydenta Stanisława Wojciechowskiego w KaliszuAbstract
The evolving phenomenon of extinction of flora and fauna species, the greenhouse effect, and climate change encourage the search for more effective methods of environmental protection. The aim of the article is to present an innovative concept of plant dignity introduced in Swiss law. The article elaborates on the claim that the concept provides arguments for the formation of
a new paradigm of environmental protection, in which the reference point is shifted from anthropological to ecocentric. The concept of plant dignity is a source of values and solutions that can provide legislative inspiration for the
development of international law norms in this matter. As part of the considerations, the inference oscillates around emphasizing the role of the concept of dignity for the protection of plants as living beings. In the face of the intensive development of science and technology, of bioengineering, the issues that require the continuation of legislative work to rationally define the boundaries
of human activity have been identified. When formulating the postulates de lege ferenda, the role of the concept of plant dignity as a guideline in the profiling of pro-ecological activities is emphasized.
prawo międzynarodowe, prawo szwajcarskie, godność roślin, godność stworzenia, inżynieria genetyczna i genomika, bezpieczeństwo ekologiczneReferences
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Akademia Kaliska im. Prezydenta Stanisława Wojciechowskiego w Kaliszu