Border crime in the aspect of the hybrid war between Belarus and Poland

Przestępczość graniczna w aspekcie wojny hybrydowej Białorusi z Polską

Marcin Konieczny

Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie


 This article analyzes the issues of border crime in the context of the hybrid
war between Belarus and Poland. The work began with an explanation of its
goals, hypotheses or adopted research tools. The research questions posed in
the work are also discussed here. The second chapter of the article presents
the history of relations between Poland and Belarus. The years before the
First World War were assumed to be the starting point for the analysis. Both
the time of the Duchy of Poland and the moment given by the sources as the
beginning of the formation of the ethnic identity of Belarusians are considered
here. The next stage was to discuss the times of the partition of Poland and
the Second World War. The section ends with a description of the post-war
period and the contemporary situation of Poland and Belarus. The next chapter analyzes the current events taking place on the Polish-Belarusian border.
It primarily includes media reports on Belarus’ activities in the field of bringing illegal immigrants, as well as conducting political activities between Poland,
the European Union, Belarus, and Russia. The analysis was completed by
examining the issue of crime on the border between Belarus and Poland. The
study was summarized in terms of reference to the achievements of the work,
including the achievement of its goals and assumptions. The main conclusion
of the research is the assessment of the conflict between the two countries,
which destroys mutual relations. Unfair diplomatic steps, as well as disinformation actions, silently but effectively cause an attack on the opponent for the
benefit of the attacker.


prawo, konflikt, nielegalna migracja, Białoruś, przestępczość graniczna

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Cited by

Konieczny, M. (2022). Border crime in the aspect of the hybrid war between Belarus and Poland: Przestępczość graniczna w aspekcie wojny hybrydowej Białorusi z Polską. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Marcin Konieczny 
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie