On submitting applications to the e-mail address of the public administration authority (about the problem of “an ordinary” e-mail)

Weronika Szafrańska

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


 As a result of the changes introduced by the legislator in the Code of Administrative Procedure, since 5 October 2021 the authorities are obliged to
leave unexamined the letters submitted to an e-mail address of the public
administration authority, i.e., sent from a private mailbox. To this point, the
practice of the authorities, led by the case law developed in administrative
courts, consisted in calling for the signature to be supplemented, either in the
form of an electronic signature or in the form of a handwritten signature under a printed letter. However, this view was not adhered to uniformly. As it
turned out, the above-described amendment to the content of Article 63 § 1 of
the Code of Administrative Procedure causes many problems in practice.
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the changes that have taken
place in recent years in relation to the possibility of submitting applications
electronically from the perspective of using a private mailbox, as well as to
answer the question of whether the described change of regulations can be
considered desirable and optimal.
In the course of her deliberations, the author came to the conclusion that
this was a step unfavourable for citizens, often resulting in a failure to meet
the deadline for lodging an appeal, which could, however, be restored when it
was assumed that failure to inform the party by the authority, during the
pending procedure, about the proper way of submitting applications, would be
treated as a violation of the principles of deepening citizens’ trust in the official
authority and the information principle.

The purpose of this paper was to analyse the changes that have taken place in recent years in relation to the possibility of submitting applications electronically from the perspective of using a private mailbox, as well as to answer the question whether the described change of regulations can be considered desirable and optimal.

In the course of her deliberations, the author came to the conclusion that this was a step unfavourable for citizens, often resulting in a failure to meet the deadline for lodging an appeal, which could, however, be restored when it was assumed that failure to inform the party by the authority, during the pending procedure, about the proper way of submitting applications would be treated as a violation of the principles of deepening citizens' trust in the official authority and the information principle.


application, private e-mail address, public administration authority, administrative proceeding

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Cited by

Szafrańska, W. (2022). On submitting applications to the e-mail address of the public administration authority (about the problem of “an ordinary” e-mail). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.7781

Weronika Szafrańska 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach