Liability of the assistant aiding in the infringement of intellectual property rights – the scope of the obligation to compensate and the method of remedying the damage
Mateusz Balcerzak
Uniwersytet ŁódzkiAbstract
The article raises the problem of the application of Art. 422 of the Civil
Code to cases of assistance in infringing intellectual property rights.
The considerations aim to analyze selected aspects of the assistant’s liability for damages – the scope of his liability and how he should repair the
damage. To this end, the general characteristic of aiding is presented, as well
as the views expressed in doctrine and case law regarding the relationship of
Art. 422 of the Civil Code to the norms constituting the basis for the liability
of direct infringers of intellectual property rights. In the author’s opinion, the
location of the Art. 422 of the Civil Code leads to the conclusion that, together
with Art. 415 of the Civil Code, it constitutes a complete regulation of any form
of aiding, regardless of the nature of the rights violated by the direct perpetrator of the damage.
As a result, the assistant is liable only for the damage to which he contributed, within the limits of his intention. A contextual interpretation supports
the impossibility of requiring the assistant to compensate for the damage in
a flat-rate manner. The legislature provides such a possibility in intellectual
property law only against direct infringers.
„Assistance”, „Contributory infringement”, “Intellectual property”References
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