Regime change on the pretext of forcible protection of nationals abroad: selected case studies including Ukraine, Dominican and Egypt

Zmiana rządu pod pretekstem ekstraterytorialnej ochrony obywateli przy użyciu siły zbrojnej: wybrane studia przypadku Ukrainy, Dominikany i Egiptu

Radosław Fordoński

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


 Since 1945, multiple States, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, France, and Belgium have consistently asserted that protecting
the lives of their citizens caught in violence abroad remains an acceptable
justification for the use of force. The view has been widely accepted by the
international community, at least concerning hostage rescue and crisis evacuation military operations. Quite a scarce State practice regarding the third
form of extraterritorial defence of nationals, forcible protection in the host
State, is much more controversial in reception. The Article aims to discuss the
permissibility of such protection on the example of the February 2022 Russian
invasion of Ukraine. As Moscow failed to achieve what was likely its main political objective, to overthrow the Kyiv government in a blitzkrieg military
campaign, the analysis also addresses the question of whether the contemporary concept of extraterritorial protection of nationals from imminent danger
involves permissibility of regime change in the targeted State. The result of
the analysis is unambiguous. Based on an examination of State practice, military doctrine documents and a cursory review of literature, the Article rejects
the Kremlin’s claims involving both protection of Russian citizens in the territory of Ukraine and regime change in the targeted country.


Ukraina, Federacja Rosyjska, użycie siły w stosunkach międzynarodowych, ekstraterytorialna ochrona obywateli za granicą przy użyciu siły zbrojnej, interwencja zbrojna w celu zmiany rządu

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Cited by

Fordoński, R. (2022). Regime change on the pretext of forcible protection of nationals abroad: selected case studies including Ukraine, Dominican and Egypt: Zmiana rządu pod pretekstem ekstraterytorialnej ochrony obywateli przy użyciu siły zbrojnej: wybrane studia przypadku Ukrainy, Dominikany i Egiptu. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Radosław Fordoński 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie