Anna Szuba-Boroń, Obraz przestępcy w prozie Sergiusza Piaseckiego na tle poglądów kryminologicznych epoki, Oficyna Wydawnicza KAAFM, Kraków 2021, ss. 382 (book review).
Stanisław Hoc
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The subject of this review is the monograph by Anna Szuba-Boroń on the
image of the offender in the prose of Sergiusz Piasecki, in the light of criminological views. Before becoming a writer, S. Piasecki was a smuggler, offender,
intelligence agent, and many times a prisoner. In his novels, he described the
criminal world of the former Eastern Borderlands. Seven out of thirteen novels
which were written by him are the research material for criminologists. The
work of Piasecki is a kind of participation of the observer – a method of researching criminological phenomenon in which the observer becomes a part of
the criminal world
The aim of the study is to evaluate this monograph considering theories
and methods of research in criminology.
The author presents, what S. Piasecki wanted to convey to criminology in
a very successful way.
criminology, criminal history, criminological theories, offender, prose, prison experiencesReferences
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Uniwersytet Opolski