Forensic science – status quo and perspectives in the era of data science development

Paweł Olber

Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie


Forensic is a legal science for which exist high social expectations in fighting crime. Although this science has achieved many successes in the fight
against crime, it still faces many problems related to the computerization of
the world. Indeed, cyberspace has become a new area of social activity, which
encourages the development of criminal activity. Cyberspace creates a false
sense of anonymity, but every activity on the Internet leaves traces. Technology saves the data created and processed by cyberspace users on various
physical carriers. Users of cyberspace create and process data. The processing
of huge amounts of digital information is a sign of modern times. The increase
in the amount of data in the world has contributed to the development of data
science, which makes it possible to get valuable knowledge as patterns and
relationships exist between analyzed information.


kryminalistyka, prawo, nauka o danych, eksploracja danych, inteligencja śledcza, bazy danych

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Cited by

Olber, P. (2022). Forensic science – status quo and perspectives in the era of data science development. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Paweł Olber 
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie