Commentary on the judgment of the Appeal Court in Warsaw of 14 October 2020, V ACa 301/20 concerning the infringement of personal rights of a company official by refusing to grant him discharge

Sylwia Łazarewicz

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


 The commented judgment concerns the possibility of seeking protection
against the effects of refusal to grant discharge to a member of a company’s
governing body under the provisions of the Civil Code on the protection of personal rights. An unjustified refusal to grant discharge is a breach of the
reputation of the company’s officials. His competence to exercise the function
is thus called into question and he loses the trust necessary to carry out the
activity. However, the claims provided for in the Civil Code in the event of an
infringement of personal rights do not fully satisfy the interests of a member
of the company’s body. This is because neither a shareholders’ resolution on
refusing to grant discharge may be eliminated in this way, nor is it possible
to replace the sentence of the court with a needed resolution granting the


Commercial Companies Code, Civil Code, shareholders' resolution, discharge, protection of personal rights

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Cited by

Łazarewicz, S. (2022). Commentary on the judgment of the Appeal Court in Warsaw of 14 October 2020, V ACa 301/20 concerning the infringement of personal rights of a company official by refusing to grant him discharge. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Sylwia Łazarewicz 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie