The constant development of techniques and methods of interpersonal communication made it necessary to take into account new solutions in the functioning of public administration, which in turn forced the need to prepare a new legal regulation, adequate to the challenges of modern times. The entry into force on October 5, 2021 of the Act on electronic deliveries heralded the revolution that began in the field of electronic deliveries, with the transition to deliveries based on a public service of registered electronic delivery, a public hybrid service and the introduction of the obligation to have new addresses for electronic deliveries. Since October 5, 2021, i.e. the moment the new regulation enters into force, a practical problem arose as to how applications should be submitted to the public administration body via electronic means of commu18 Marcin Adamczyk nication so that they produce the desired legal effect and are not left unexamined. Therefore, problems arose as to how to effectively conduct electronic communication with a public administration body and how long the transitional period in which legal dualism in the field of electronic deliveries will last. Another problem resulting from the entry into force of the new regulations is the issue of advising the applicant who submits an application to a public administration body by means of an ordinary e-mail to the e-mail address about leaving his application without examination. The purpose of this study is to seek answers to emerging problems based on the provisions of the Act on Electronic Delivery, including transitional provisions. The study in question indicates the need to prepare instructions on the principles of electronic communication, which should be provided to the parties or participants in the proceedings at the first contact or together with information about leaving the application unprocessed if the application is sent to an e-mail address. The parallel use of two solutions for the delivery of electronic correspondence to (and “from”) a public administration body, i.e. both based on an address for electronic delivery and an electronic inbox for ePUAP, is necessary and inevitable, because the introduction of new solutions without a transitional period is not possible. Nevertheless, the length of the transitional period raises legitimate concerns. On the one hand, we are dealing with a weakening of the constructions provided for in the Act on electronic deliveries, on the other hand, both public administration bodies and non-public entities must function in a kind of legal dualism defining two equivalent delivery systems.

Maciej Bendorf-Bundorf

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The system of socioeconomic relationships occurring in the modern democratic states tends to blur the boundaries between the public and non-governmental sectors, which creates the need for a similar evaluation of the two
categories of entities from the point of view of their impact on the public interest. The tasks and goals carried out by foundations and associations often coincide with the tasks and goals that public entities, including local government
units, are obliged to implement. The indicated convergence is particularly visible on the level of tasks in the field of public education, as foundations and associations are entitled to act as the governing body of schools.
This contribution aims to answer the question of whether subsidies received by a school managed by a foundation or association should be considered as a condition for obtaining the status of a body governed by public law in the
meaning of public procurement law.


public procurement law, foundation, associations, body governed by public law, subsidies for schools

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Cited by

Bendorf-Bundorf, M. (2022). The constant development of techniques and methods of interpersonal communication made it necessary to take into account new solutions in the functioning of public administration, which in turn forced the need to prepare a new legal regulation, adequate to the challenges of modern times. The entry into force on October 5, 2021 of the Act on electronic deliveries heralded the revolution that began in the field of electronic deliveries, with the transition to deliveries based on a public service of registered electronic delivery, a public hybrid service and the introduction of the obligation to have new addresses for electronic deliveries. Since October 5, 2021, i.e. the moment the new regulation enters into force, a practical problem arose as to how applications should be submitted to the public administration body via electronic means of commu18 Marcin Adamczyk nication so that they produce the desired legal effect and are not left unexamined. Therefore, problems arose as to how to effectively conduct electronic communication with a public administration body and how long the transitional period in which legal dualism in the field of electronic deliveries will last. Another problem resulting from the entry into force of the new regulations is the issue of advising the applicant who submits an application to a public administration body by means of an ordinary e-mail to the e-mail address about leaving his application without examination. The purpose of this study is to seek answers to emerging problems based on the provisions of the Act on Electronic Delivery, including transitional provisions. The study in question indicates the need to prepare instructions on the principles of electronic communication, which should be provided to the parties or participants in the proceedings at the first contact or together with information about leaving the application unprocessed if the application is sent to an e-mail address. The parallel use of two solutions for the delivery of electronic correspondence to (and “from”) a public administration body, i.e. both based on an address for electronic delivery and an electronic inbox for ePUAP, is necessary and inevitable, because the introduction of new solutions without a transitional period is not possible. Nevertheless, the length of the transitional period raises legitimate concerns. On the one hand, we are dealing with a weakening of the constructions provided for in the Act on electronic deliveries, on the other hand, both public administration bodies and non-public entities must function in a kind of legal dualism defining two equivalent delivery systems. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58).

Maciej Bendorf-Bundorf 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie