Innovation durch Interdisziplinarität: Nützlichkeit des konstruktivistischen Ansatzes in der Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft

Innovation through Interdisciplinarity: The Usefulness of the Constructivist Approach in Administrative Law Scholarship

Natalia Kohtamäki

Uniwerystet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


Changes associated with the dynamic development of social relations cause
the modification of existing methodological approaches. This applies not only
to those scientific disciplines which from their birth that has been open to
adopting methodological models and instruments from other scientific disciplines – we can mention, for example, the sciences of administration, management, or international relations – but also to the disciplines previously considered conservative, such as the legal sciences. In their search for new cognitive
tools, lawyers are increasingly turning to so-called post-positivist theories in
the social sciences for inspiration in the processes of interpreting and reinterpreting norms in a broader social context. The purpose of the article is to point
out that in this search, the constructivist paradigm deserves special attention,
which is especially applicable to public law. It responds most intensively and
quickly to the changes associated with the internationalising of social reality.
The conclusions presented in the analysis indicate that constructing norms
according to the constructivist paradigm, however, faces specific obstacles
related to the technocratization of the law-making process.


prawo publiczne, norma, konstruktywizm społeczny, teorie konstruowania, narracje postpozytywistyczne

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Cited by

Kohtamäki, N. (2022). Innovation durch Interdisziplinarität: Nützlichkeit des konstruktivistischen Ansatzes in der Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft: Innovation through Interdisciplinarity: The Usefulness of the Constructivist Approach in Administrative Law Scholarship. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Natalia Kohtamäki 
Uniwerystet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie