A search in the antitrust law and practice of the President of UOKiK
Beata Wieczerzyńska
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w RadomiuAbstract
A search is a set of activities that interfere with essential constitutional-
ly protected goods of a basic nature, such as property, privacy, inviolability of
the entrepreneur’s seat and freedom of economic activity. The nature and
importance of these rights and freedoms indicate that the investigative acti-
vities of the President of UOKiK should maintain a high, multi-faceted stan-
dard of procedural justice.
The aim of the article was to investigate the detailed regulations of the
search institution in the antitrust law and the problems with their application
in the practice of the President of UOKiK, especially in the context of the ef-
fectiveness of the search as an instrument of searching for evidence.
It should be concluded that, in the current form, the formal regulations of
the search procedure seem to be adequate to the standards of protection of the
fundamental rights of entrepreneurs developed in the jurisprudence of the
ECtHR. However, the guarantees of the protection of rights are also assessed
according to qualitative criteria, to effectively and realistically ensure the
protection of entrepreneurs against the risk of abuse of power. And here, de-
spite the positive changes, there are visible shortcomings of the authority’s
practice, especially in terms of defining the subject and time scope of a search
too broadly, as well as the actual expansion of the authority’s empire by usur-
ping access to all electronic data of the searched person.
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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu