Metropolises in contemporary territorial self-government – some reflections on the problems of performing metropolitan tasks in Poland and France
Monika Augustyniak
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w KrakowieAbstract
The subject of the article is the analysis of metropolitan tasks in the Polish and French legal systems and an attempt to categorize them. Polish legislators recognized the need for introducing the metropolitan association to
the organizational structure of local government, however, without granting it the status of a local government unit. The French legislator also recognizing the importance of the metropolis in the performance of tasks in modern local
government, introduces a complex categorization of metropolises, which corresponds to the specific scope of tasks and competencies. The purpose of establishing a metropolis is the effectiveness of implementing public projects and tasks and satisfying the supra-local needs of the inhabitants of large agglomerations. In both legal orders legislators attempt to create an optimal range of tasks and competencies of metropolises, in various
systems of cooperation in the scope of executing public tasks. Both in Poland and in France there is a noticeable trend that extends the importance of metropolises in modern local government, which proves that the
direction of changes is good. Metropolises are becoming an indispensable element in carrying out public tasks of supra-local nature. Therefore, it is worth considering the introduction of categorization of metropolises in the Polish
legal order, following the example of the French regulations, which create greater framework for the choice of cooperation in carrying out tasks in the self-governmental community. The purpose of establishing a metropolis is the effectiveness of implementing public projects and tasks and satisfying supra-local needs of the inhabitants of large agglomerations. In both legal orders legislators attempt to create an optimal range of tasks and competencies of metropolises, in various systems of cooperation in the scope of executing public tasks. Both in Poland and in France there is a noticeable trend that extends the importance of metropolises in modern local government, which proves that the direction of changes is good. Metropolises are becoming an indispensable element in carrying out public tasks of supra-local nature. Therefore, it is worth considering the introduction of categorization of metropolises in the Polish legal order, following the example of the French regulations, which create greater framework for the choice of cooperation in carrying out tasks in the self-governmental community.
metropolization, tasks and competences of metropolises, local government, public tasks performed by metropolitan association and French metropolises, categorization of metropolisesReferences
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Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie