Opportunities and threats for public administration in providing services by electronic means

Paweł Romaniuk

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


A contemporary implementation that uses assistance in public administration is one of the forms of dealing with official matters. The adopted legal bases for the provision of electronic services provide dynamic dynamics in thedevelopment of information and communication technologies. Such solutions require constant changes of instruments. The adoption by the act of the model
for regulating the subject services, good points for the provision of electronic services, based on the delegation model, ensures the adaptation of these provisions to a very fast technological solution. The aim is to show that the situ-
ation has opportunities in the sphere of life, and social development, also in terms of problems and barriers. Gather an approximation of the progress in government administration, administration indicating the progress, and how the threat will appear within the public administration. The author will also establish de lege ferenda, the overarching way of which is sufficient to ensure the functioning of the system and to enable the use of the electronic model of
services implemented at all levels of public administration.


administrative law, public administration, electronic service, technology, opportu- nities, threats

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Cited by

Romaniuk, P. (2022). Opportunities and threats for public administration in providing services by electronic means. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.8055

Paweł Romaniuk 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie