Features of legal regulation of environmental quality on the example of law and administration of Ukraine

Cechy prawnej regulacji jakości środowiska na przykładzie prawa i administracji Ukrainy

Tetiana Sukhorebra

Vinnytsia Institute of trade and economics of State University of trade and economics in Kyiv


 The understanding of the concept of the environmental security is considered in the article. It is characterized that the environmental safety of the
population is the most humane, noble and responsible task of environmental
legislation, which, firstly, enshrines the environmental rights of citizens of
Ukraine, secondly, guarantees their implementation, thirdly, determines the
legal, economic and social foundations of environmental protection. natural
environment. The essence of state regulation of environmental protection is
The normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of environmental
quality are analyzed. It is described which organizations control the observance
of complex legal regulations of environmental quality. The essence of Ukraine’s
environmental policy is determined. The main directions of the state policy of
Ukraine in the ecological sphere are singled out. It is highlighted how today
the ecological danger is manifested in human activities.

The normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of environmental quality are analyzed. It is described which organizations control the observance of complex legal regulation of environmental quality. The essence of Ukraine's environmental policy is determined. The main directions of the state policy of Ukraine in the ecological sphere are singled out. It is highlighted how today the ecological danger is manifested in human activities.


environment law, policy, legislation, legal regulation, environmental security

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Cited by

Sukhorebra, T. (2022). Features of legal regulation of environmental quality on the example of law and administration of Ukraine: Cechy prawnej regulacji jakości środowiska na przykładzie prawa i administracji Ukrainy. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.8068

Tetiana Sukhorebra 
Vinnytsia Institute of trade and economics of State University of trade and economics in Kyiv