Legal regulation of the scientific council of the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute

Tomasz Dąbrowski

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Puławskiego w Radomiu


 In the specialised literature on the subject, there is a noticeable lack of studies dealing with the issue of legal aspects of the functioning of a scientific council of a research institute. No one has even attempted to present the legal regulations for the operation of such a council in a specific institute. The aim of this article is to analyze the legal regulations concerning the scientific council of the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute. The text presents the history and legal regulations regarding the structure and functioning of this body, and discusses the historical aspects of its creation, the composition and the process of appointing and dismissing members of the scientific council, their rights, and  obligations, as well as the tasks of the council. The procedure of deliberating and adopting resolutions is presented, as well as the method of documenting the activities of this body. The subject of the study is, on the one hand, the presentation and characterization
of the institute’s scientific council, and on the other hand, the proposal of new legal solutions covering various aspects of the organ’s operation. Their introduction would translate into an improvement in the functioning of the insti tute, the activity of which is in line with the activities of the state. The practice of functioning of the amended provisions contained in the Act on Research
Institutes, which refer to the scientific council, in the opinion of the author of the text, indicates that they require clarification or re-regulation of certain issues at the level of statutory provisions. The final conclusions indicate that
the scientific council is a decision-making, initiating, opinion-making and advisory body in the field of the statutory activities of the institute and in matters
of the development of scientific and research and technical staff. Its powers constitute a closed catalogue and are enumerated by the legislator. As a collegiate body, the council operates based on the provisions of the Act on Research Institutes, the statute of the institute, as well as the provisions of the regulations adopted by it. These regulations, as an internal act, should be adapted
to the needs of a particular Scientific Council. It must be in writing and should not conflict with the provisions of the law or the statute. All board members should be involved in the development of the bylaws of the board – which is
often overlooked in practice. It is crucial that the regulations precisely regulate issues such as the organization of the scientific council, committees, and
teams, as well as the way the council works and adopts resolutions.


environmental law, research institute, scientific council

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Cited by

Dąbrowski, T. (2022). Legal regulation of the scientific council of the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58).

Tomasz Dąbrowski 
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Puławskiego w Radomiu