Time limitation concerning the validity of carrier’s claims against the so-called “fare dodger” in the case of railway transport
Michał Hejbudzki
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieAbstract
The aim of the study is to establish a period of limitation on the validity of the carrier’s claims against the so-called “fare dodger” in rail transport. The considerations contained in the present study lead to the conclusion that, in principle, the legal relationship between a railway carrier and a passenger who boards a freely accessible train in order to travel without purchasing a ticket should be perceived as a contract of carriage. Only such an interpretation of national law can be reconciled with the interpretation of EU law made by the CJEU in the judgement of 7 November 2019 (C-349/18). It means that, in principle, a traveller without a ticket should be classified as a consumer with all the consequences. In the event of judicial redress procedures against such passengers, the court is obliged to make a juridical assessment of the facts under the provisions on the limitation on the validity of claims and consider the limitation of the claim even without the procedural initiative of the traveller acting as a defendant. Invoking the construction of a non-contractual legal relationship between the railway carrier and the so-called “fare dodger”
by creditors – claimants seem to be pointless in the light of the CJEU’s interpretation of EU law and should only be seen as an attempt to circumvent the mandatory provisions on limitation of claims against consumers. The theory
of a non-contractual legal relationship between the carrier and a traveller without a ticket seems to be justified in situations where there are features of an offence under Article 121 § 1 of the Code of Petty Offences. Then it will be
permissible to apply the limitation period for claims under Article 4421 § 1 of the Civil Code based on the rule of Article 443 of the Civil Code. It should also be noted that the pro-EU interpretation of the contractual legal relationship
between the railway carrier and the so-called “fare dodger” does not in any way prejudice the application of Article 16(1) of the transport law and normatively does not make it an empty norm. This provision should be interpreted
in line with the interpretation provided by the CJEU. Moreover, it fully retains its current application to travellers on trains that cannot be freely accessed. The theory of a non-contractual legal relationship between the carrier and a traveller without a ticket seems to be justified in situations where there are features of an offence under Article 121 § 1 of the the Misdemeanor Code. Then it will be permissible to apply the limitation period for claims under Article 4421 § 1 of the Civil Code based on the rule of Article 443 of the Civil Code. It should also be noted that the pro-EU interpretation of the contractual legal relationship between the railway carrier and the so-called "fare dodger" does not in any way prejudice the application of Article 16(1) of the transport law and normatively does not make it an empty norm. This provision should be interpreted in line with the interpretation provided by the CJEU. Moreover, it fully retains its current application to travellers on trains that cannot be freely accessed.
prawo cywilne, przedawnienie roszczeń wobec tzw. „pasażera na gapę”, przewóz kolejowy, przewoźnik kolejowy, pasażer, umowa przewozu, podróż pociągiem bez biletu, tzw. „pasażer na gapę”, konsument, przedsiębiorcaReferences
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie