Approving gloss on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of November 18, 2021 (ref. no. I OSK 4193/21) to the extent that bearing responsibility for the violation of public finance discipline is a feature that proves the performance of a public function within the meaning of Art. 5 sec. 2 of the Act on Access to Public Information

Piotr Sitniewski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The aim of the gloss is to assess selected features that prove the performance of a public function in the context of the right to information. The subject of the commentary is the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of November 18, 2012, in which the Supreme Administrative Court assumed that the fact of performing a function related to incurring responsibility for the violation of public finance discipline also results in recognizing
these persons as persons performing public functions within the meaning of the right to public information. Therefore, the documents being the subject of the application should not be anonymised.



administrative law, access to public information, performance of a public function, violation of public finance discipline, public finance

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Cited by

Sitniewski, P. (2023). Approving gloss on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of November 18, 2021 (ref. no. I OSK 4193/21) to the extent that bearing responsibility for the violation of public finance discipline is a feature that proves the performance of a public function within the meaning of Art. 5 sec. 2 of the Act on Access to Public Information. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (59).

Piotr Sitniewski 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie