EU environmental protection policy from the perspective of energy, political and social crisis

Magdalena Sitek

Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi w Józefowie


The subject of the study is an analysis of the social, economic, and political situation in connection with the EU environmental protection policy, especially the Fit for 55 packages, which plan to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2035. The change of conditions caused first by the COVID-19 pandemic and then by the war in Ukraine as well as the breakdown of gas supplies from Russia to Europe, became the cause of the energy crisis.
The aim of the study is to find an answer to the question about the further situation of the EU environmental policy. The implementation of environmental protection policy is extremely cost-intensive, while the Union and the Mem-
ber States must spend significant resources to rescue the economy and citizens from the effects of energy crises. The search for an answer to this question was based on an analysis of the activities of people and institutions responsi-
ble for energy policy. In the final conclusions, I pointed out that the Union has taken a number of actions to prevent the negative effects of the energy crisis. However, the far-reaching possible negative effects of this crisis require greater involvement of financial resources, which may affect the implementation of the existing environmental protection policies in the assumed form. This also
applies to the implementation of the Fit for 55 package, which is extremely important for stopping the negative effects of climate change. 


environmental law, climate change, Fit for 55 packages, European Union, energy crisis, war in Ukraine

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Cited by

Sitek, M. (2023). EU environmental protection policy from the perspective of energy, political and social crisis. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (59).

Magdalena Sitek 
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi w Józefowie