About the e-Delivery Revolution Again. Comments on the Background of Art. 6 of the Act on Electronic Delivery

Agnieszka Skóra

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the exceptions to the
principle of primacy of electronic deliveries provided in Art. 6 of the Act of
November 22nd, 2020 on Electronic Delivery (AED). These exceptions are an
important supplement to – specified in Art. 1 AED – the material scope of the
Act on Electronic Delivery. Their analysis will help to answer the question of whether the Act on Electronic Delivery, which was supposed to play the role
of a sui generis “constitution of delivery” (i.e., to be an act comprehensively
regulating the principles of making registered electronic service deliveries in
relations between public entities and in relations in which at least one of par-
ties is a public entity) may indeed be such the AED. The enactment of the AED
and the legal solutions it contains should be considered a great success in terms
of the planned digitization of correspondence exchange. The derogation from
the principle of the primacy of electronic delivery provided for in Art. 6 AED
is essentially conditioned by the nature and character of the device on which
the correspondence was originally recorded. The remaining exceptions depend
on the special nature of the correspondence or the greater efficiency of the
traditional method of delivery.


administrative law, e-delivery service, Act on Electronic Delivery, ICT System, prin- ciple of primacy of electronic deliveries, public service of registered electronic delive- ry, public hybrid delivery

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Cited by

Skóra, A. (2022). About the e-Delivery Revolution Again. Comments on the Background of Art. 6 of the Act on Electronic Delivery. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.8342

Agnieszka Skóra 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie